What is Uncle Ron's Academy?

Uncle Ron’s Academy is a happy dynamically fluid crew who gather in various sized groups, committees, gatherings, celebrations enjoying visits with or just hanging around Uncle Ron.

Who is Uncle Ron? Uncle Ron is a "spirit". However, the Academy should say that it was a "aha" sort or moment when we realized that the "Ron" in Ron Carioca or Ron Zacapa Centenario was not a primero nombre but Rum! So when we gather it’s more of a family adventure valuing all those great things like life, love, learning. It is more than a night out on the town... So, we are Uncle Ron’s Academy....

This blog spot will feature all sorts of things like rum, music, feasts, literature, dancing, links to other rum sites, events, adventurers and one of the great causes we support: Los Primos Project

Upcoming Happenings

Havana Nights Dance
Nov. 2nd at 7:00pm
Mic Mac Amateur Aquatic Club
for moe info go to: http://www.losprimos.ca/

Uncle Ron's Swagger

Uncle Ron thought a tee-shirt would be the proper thing.... email uncleronsacademy@gmail.com or visit an academy member nearby if you would like one or three... $25 per shirt with $5 from each sale going to Los Primos.

Uncle Ron's Academy's Logo... The sail is the mainsail from the I'm Alone the famous rum runner built in Lunenburg that was sunk by the U.S. during prohibition in international waters, the propellor is shaped after a prop on the Saucy Sue that is a boat from the same era that is now in the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, and in the center is the Compass Rose that is on the bottom of Nova Scotian Crystal's rum glass.. It is pointing 18.6 degrees Magnetic North where the Independant Republic of Dartmouth is located.

The front perspective of Uncle Ron's Tee Shirt... The tee shirts cost $25 with $5 of each sale going to Los Primos... if your shirt has to be mailed add $5.

Uncle Ron agrees with Cruzan that it is important to " Always Rum Responsibly"... He also really likes the attitude of the tee shirt's Back...

Also on the back is Stayner's Wharf's logo... they donated to Los Primos for the placement...

 Cruzan Rum donated to Los Primos for placement on the Tee Shirt

Uncle Ron's Academy is a proud supporter of Los Primos. The tee shirts cost $25 each with $5 of each sale going to Los Primos... if your order has to be mailed please include $5 for shipping.
Cruzan Rum donated to Los Primos for placement on the Tee Shirt